Literarium will filter suitable markets given a selected piece of work.

  1. Find your piece of work
  2. Click 'Record a submission'.
  3. Literarium will automatically populate the market filter based on the criteria of the selected work.
    eg. open markets that will accept submissions of this piece, based on whether the market accepts simultaneous submissions, word/line length, genres, manuscript types and so forth. You can continue to refine or broaden the scope of the market selection until you find a market you think is suitable to submit to.
  4. Select the market by clicking on the desired row in the results list (Note: the Market title will open the market in a new tab, so don't click that to select!).

Submission Warnings

If your chosen work's details don't completely match a given market's criteria, you will see any of a number of warning messages.

Because of the real-world complexity of markets, the warnings are simply for your information. They do not prevent you from recording a submission. Note too, that the warnings are saved against the submission and market at the time of the submission. If the criteria change in future, your historic submission record will still show you the original warnings.